What is Liqui-Deionization?

Liqui-Deionization (LDI) is a water purification technology that uses an electrochemical process to deionization process and impurities from water. Furthermore, our salt-less softener works on salt-less service deionization (SDI) technology to provide you with softened water without any hassles of changing salt frequently. For complete peace of mind, opt for a maintenance-free SDI water softener from Liquiclear.

How LDI® works 


LDI systems consist of two electrodes—a positively charged electrode called the anode and a negatively charged electrode called the cathode. These electrodes are typically made of a porous material such as activated carbon.

Flow of Water

The water to be purified is passed between these two electrodes. It can flow either in a single-channel system or through multiple channels, depending on the design of the LDI system.

Ion Attraction

When a voltage is applied across the two electrodes, an electric field is created within the system. This electric field causes the ions in the water to migrate towards the oppositely charged electrodes.

Ion Absorption

As the water passes through the LDI cell, the ions are attracted to and absorbed onto the surface of the porous electrodes. Positively charged ions are attracted to the cathode, while negatively charged ions are attracted to the anode. The porous nature of the electrodes provides a large surface area for ion absorption

Deionized Water Collection

The ions are held in the porous electrodes until the electric potential is reversed or the ions are released through a regeneration process. The water that passes through the electrodes between the ions is deionized and collected as purified water.


Once the electrodes have reached their ion absorption capacity, the electric potential is reversed, and the ions are released from the electrodes. This process is called regeneration. Regeneration can be achieved by momentarily short-circuiting the electrodes or by applying a voltage of opposite polarity.

3 Steps LDI® Purification Process


Ion Absorption

LDI purification process

When water passes between the electrodes, the ions get attracted to the oppositely charged electrodes. The water void of these salts and metals comes out of the system.


Ion Removal

LDI purification process

With more and more ions sticking to the electrodes, they become saturated; when this happens, the system automatically changes the polarity. The ions sticking to the electrodes fall off.




Water is then flushed between the electrodes and the wasted ions are flushed to drain. The Polarity is reversed, and the Ion removal process (Step 1) starts again.

By cycling between the ion absorption and regeneration stages, LDI systems can continuously purify water. The removed ions remain trapped in the electrodes until the regeneration process, ensuring the continuous operation of the system.

LDI technology is particularly effective at removing dissolved ions from water, including common contaminants like salts, heavy metals, and other impurities. It offers advantages such as energy efficiency, reduced water waste, and relatively low maintenance compared to other water purification technologies.

How is the LDI better than RO Water Purifier

Liqui-Deionization (LDI) technology outperforms traditional reverse osmosis (RO) water purifiers. While RO systems rely on a nano-sized pore membrane that can be limited by the size of ions, LDI offers a superior solution.

Energy Efficiency

LDI uses 1/3rd of the energy compared to RO. It removes ions with an electrical potential, needing much less energy than the high-pressure pumps in RO systems.

Reduced Water Waste

LDI saves 70–80% more water than RO. RO systems generate 7.5–15 liters of wastewater per liter of purified water, while LDI produces significantly less, making it more eco-friendly.

Fast Operation

LDI works faster than RO, deionizing water more quickly and providing a higher flow rate of purified water.

No Membrane System

RO systems require semipermeable membranes that need regular maintenance and replacement. LDI has no membranes, reducing maintenance needs and extending system lifespan.

Tunable TDS

Allows for adjustable TDS levels, ensuring safe and healthy drinking water with 80-85% reduction compared to traditional RO systems.